Studio Policies

Student Absence 

There are no refunds, makeup lessons or credit of lessons missed because of student absence. 



If a student is ill, an online lesson may be taken during the regular scheduled lesson time, or a new homework assignment may be requested.

If a student comes to an in studio lesson and shows symptoms of illness, the parent or guardian will be asked to come pick up the student immediately, and the remaining lesson time will be forfeited. 

Students in active cases of head lice are NOT to attend in studio lessons. An online lesson may be taken during the regular scheduled lesson time.


Student Absence

There are no refunds, makeup lessons or credit of lessons missed because of student absence.

Your piano lesson time is reserved exclusively for you.

All absences, including but not limited to: sports, skating, school trips & functions, social activities, vacations, plays, rehearsals, concerts, school courses, birthday parties, doctor or dental appointments, play dates, after school jobs, overtired, or homework are unexcused and will not be made up, credited or refunded. 


Teacher Absence

Any lessons cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled, refunded, or made up during July & August 2025, or at another time during the year, at the teacher's discretion. A month with 5 lessons may have the 5th lesson to be used as a credit for the teacher's absence. 

Inclement Weather

Lessons missed due to inclement weather are not made up or refunded. If travel is restricted, due to weather, an online lesson may be taken at the student's regular scheduled lesson time. 


Extra Lessons

An extra lessons needed for examinations, recital or festival preparation outside of the regular scheduled weekly lesson time, will not be part of the regular monthly fee. All extra lessons will incur a fee according to the current fee schedule. These may be required due to a student's lack of practice in preparing, or if they have been absent in the weeks prior to these events. 


Cancellation Policy

One full month notice, given before the 1st of the month, is expected for termination of lessons, or 1 full month of lessons will be invoiced.


Books & Materials Fees

Monthly tuition does not include fees for recitals, festivals, examinations, books, materials or master classes. These all invoke a separate fee. 


Personal Vacation Time

Lessons missed due to personal vacation will not be made up, credited or refunded. You may not decrease your tuition due to your vacation absences. Your weekly lesson time is reserved for you whether you attend or not. 

If you choose to miss your lesson due to your personal time or vacation, the full monthly tuition will be expected to hold your lesson spot during Sept 2024 - June 2025. 


" These policies protect the integrity and structure of my piano studio and apply to every student. In order to provide the best service to all of my students, these above policies must be enforced and adhered to. "